The Earth Matters Book Club is a blog focusing solely on books about nature, the environment, and the outdoors. Those subjects are indeed as vast as the places they represent, but we’ll try to break it down to make it more manageable. Maybe you found your way here because you want to learn more about the climate crisis. Maybe you are interested in writing about nature (me too!). Maybe you just love to read books about the Earth. Whatever your reason for stopping by, I’m glad you are here.
I read a lot. And the vast majority of books that I read are in this genre. I also write about nature/the environment/the outdoors and try to be outside as long as I can. I grew up in a rural place, filled with towering white pine trees, thick blankets of green moss, and babbling cold water creeks. Being outside lifts my mood and makes me happy. We live in the time of climate change, which is causing our planet to warm. Some changes are slow and nearly invisible. Others, are so devastating, they dominate the daily news telling stories of disaster and displacement. The world is changing, and something that comforts me is reading about the science behind climate change.
But not everything you read is doom and gloom. There are stories of hope and inspiration everywhere, even in the time of climate change. There are also books about the delicate beauty of nature, which we can and should celebrate as long as we possibly can. This blog is my attempt to create a central repository of nature/environment themed books for those who want to learn more about the natural world. For the curation of this information, the links throughout the site are affiliated with Amazon. If you click on them and make a purchase from Amazon, I’ll make a commission at no additional cost to you. I always encourage you to seek books at your local bookstore and if you choose not to support Amazon, you can check out my curated list of nature-themed books here on All purchases on Bookshop support independent bookstores.
Thanks for stopping by and reading. Now, go find a good book to read.